His story:
Charlie's original due date was September 12th but on July 28th her water broke. She went to the hospital in the evening and they told her she would have to stay in the hospital until she delivered. They wanted her to keep the baby inside her for as long as possible and she was given steroid shots to help the baby develop faster. If she didn't deliver before August 11th they were going to induce her and get him out because of the risk of infection. Charlie had an ultrasound on Monday August 4th and the doctor saw some things that made him nervous. The heart looked really big and so a cardiologist was called in but said that the heart was normal. The problem was that the heart looked big because there wasn't very much lung tissue. There were two possibilities: 1. The lungs were being compressed and just couldn't grow or 2. he just didn't grow lungs. Of course a lot of prayer and fasting went into the first possibility. Charlie was induced on Tuesday August 5th at 7am. After almost 11 hours the doctor came in and said he was going to take the baby by c-section. He did this because Charlie was barley making any progress and with the tiny contractions she had been having the baby really wasn't doing well. So at 6pm her and Chris were dressed for surgery and whisked away. The rest of us were left with huge prayers in our hearts that everything was going to be alright. A little after 7pm we were given news that the baby was alive and in fact doing better than expected. In the operating room he was breathing on his own and even cried. He was taken to the NICU and most likely will be there for quite a while but everyone is happy, healthy and over joyed with the outcome. We all thank our Heavenly Father for this little miracle and so far so good!
Congratulations to Scott and Laura for becoming first time Grandparents!!
I will definitely keep you posted on Kaid's progression with lots of pictures.
Thanks for letting us all know what was going on. Terri had told me a little but she didn't know all the details either. I am glad he is doing well. Please tell Charlie & Chris we are praying for their little guy.
I am so glad that everything is okay. Jeremy and I also prayed for a miracle, they happen everyday. Look at all of that hair! I love it when babies have lots of hair :)
I am due just a week before this baby was....so scary. I am glad this baby is doing so very well. I will keep thier family in our prayers too.
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